Rockford Region

Located near the northern border of Illinois, the Rockford Region is home to a sizable and active aerospace cluster. The Region’s over 250 companies and 11 tier-one suppliers provide products to the global aerospace, aviation, and defense industries, presenting a tremendous opportunity for growth prospects in the area. Our lead partner in the Rockford Region is the Rockford Area Economic Development Council (RAEDC), who also leads the Rockford Area Aerospace Network (RAAN), a consortium of companies implementing a strategic plan to increase the competitiveness of the Rockford Region for aerospace expansion and attraction.
Defense Footprint Heading link
The Defense Logistics Agency is the Department of Defense’s logistics combat support agency, providing worldwide logistics support in both peacetime and wartime to the military services as well as to several civilian agencies and foreign countries.
From 2013 to 2017, the Rockford Region boasted an annual average of:
DOD sales Heading link
54 establishments with at least one DOD contract
$ 315 millions in DOD sales
2.70 % of total State DOD sales

Partner: Rockford Area Development Council (RAEDC) Heading link
A non-profit organization that cultivates opportunities for job growth and economic wellbeing within the community, the Rockford Area Economic Development Council (RAEDC) is ILDMC’s partner in the region.